00 is no upgrades, and 18 is all upgrades including Ice Beam. Changing the SAMUS number will change what powerups she is supposed to have in her inventory from different points of the game.SUPPLY is hardcoded 00 and cannot be edited (perhaps it used to be Super Metroid-esque reserve energy?).

Increasing ENERGY, MISSILE, or P_BOMB past the current maximum capacity will automatically update the respective stat's maximum to the new number.For example, the maximum energy she can have can be set with E_MAX but the current energy she has is set by ENERGY. This section is mostly related to how much of something Samus can hold and how much she is actually holding. The box on the top right displays the options ENERGY, E_MAX, SUPPLY, MISSILE, M_MAX, P_BOMB, PB_MAX, SAMUS, and EVENT.It will only show basic map information that Adam would usually give Samus. This option won’t show any hidden or secret areas. Simply hover the cursor over M,1,2,3,4,5,6 and press A to enable or disable map information. The GET_MAP section will enable or disable map information for the Main Deck or for a particular sector.Normal missiles and normal Morph Ball bombs are needed to use the missile upgrades and Power Bombs, respectively.Ice Beam needs Wave enabled to properly function.Charge Beam is needed to charge even if later beams are enabled.For an example, enabling Wave without Wide and Plasma will still give the effects of Wide and Plasma. Generally, beam and missile upgrades have all previous upgrades built into them.The CLUSTE option under MISSILE is Diffusion Missiles.The NORMAL beam as displayed in the menu cannot be toggled off.This is done by simply hovering the cursor over the ability in question and pressing A. Starting on the top-left, the sections titled BEAM, MISSILE, BOMB, SUIT and MISC can enable or disable what abilities Samus currently has.There are multiple options within the debug menu: The debug menu is closed by pressing B or R to return to the map screen. B is used to stop editing a value and returns to using the cursor. Down is used to increase the value, and Up is used to decrease the value. Left and Right can be used to switch digits. Editing a value will cause two arrows to appear to point to the digit you are editing. Options are either toggles, or values that can be edited. The cursor can be moved with the D-pad, and options can be interacted with by pressing A. The debug menu uses a cursor, represented by a blinking white square.