It ensures the accurate and timely reporting of criminal history record information. The Booking Center also accurately and timely processes offenders not in custody and treats all with dignity and respect. The Washington County Booking Center is a facility to efficiently and effectively process and identify offenders arrested, charged, or accused of a crime with the intent to return Law Enforcement officers to their communities, as quickly as possible. Assist the DUI coordinator with executing the Washington County DUI program.

The vision for the Washington County Booking Center is to confirm notification to offenders of fingerprint orders and to process offenders in an accurate and efficient manner.
SORNA aims to close potential gaps and loopholes that existed under prior law and generally strengthens the nationwide network of sex offender registration and notification programs. SORNA provides a comprehensive set of minimum standards for sex offender registration and notification in the United States. SORNA is Title I of the Adam Walsh Child Protection and Safety Act of 2006 (Public Law 109-248). The Booking Center is also responsible registering and updating Sex Offender Registration and Notification Act (SORNA) information. Sex Offender Registration & Notification Act
All Crimes under Title 18 - Crimes Code.On Jthe Booking Center began processing all Misdemeanor and Felony offenses including: On January 1, 2012, the Booking Center expanded operations to begin processing offenders charged with a drug offense. In June 2011, the Booking Center expanded to include protection from abuse violators, and all assaults and sexual assault offenders. Initially, the fingerprint orders included retail theft, driving under the influence and homicide by vehicle. The Washington County Booking Center opened in April 2008 and booked over 1,200 offenders on probation supervision within the first eight months.