Are you listening to me song kinks better things
Are you listening to me song kinks better things

are you listening to me song kinks better things

? The “Jumping Jack Flash” riff rip-off falls flat on its face, as does this overly repetitive, boring song. America’s in deep doo-doo, Europe gives America the cold shoulder. “Catch Me Now I’m Falling”: When I said I didn’t care much for the Arista period, I’m talking about songs like this one: social commentary with no meat on the bones. The video opens with an extended lead guitar intro that’s to die for-so much so that I’m thinking of starting a Kickstarter project to cryogenically freeze Dave Davies’ fingers like they did with Ted Williams’ brain. Ray’s vocal is satirically playful and the feel of the song is best described as “modern reverse gospel rock.” It moves, makes you laugh and reminds you that The Kinks hadn’t entirely lost the common touch. “Low Budget”: The best thing about the Arista period was that Dave Davies finally got to really play some gee-tar! I love this underplayed opening riff that just sucks you right into the groove and the way they left that right channel wide open for guitar fills throughout the song. The joyous Wurlitzer-driven music takes a sharp turn into the harsh shock of distorted guitar after Ray delivers the core lines of the song: The intimate meanings people attach to places are juxtaposed against the ironic indifference in Ray’s reverse-order description of the sequence of destruction that finally brings us to the palais that held his sister’s fondest memories.

are you listening to me song kinks better things

The preservation theme gains a new lease on life through the dramatization of the impact of demolition on a real, human life. “Come Dancing”: Ray Davies created a beautiful and touching tribute to the sister who gave him his first guitar but died before the age when she could worry about the dating habits of daughters. I’m reviewing the 2005 CD release that with begins with. The track order is an annoyance, for rather than take the chronological route, the powers that be decided to open with their top-charting single, “Come Dancing,” followed by tracks from Low Budget, their best-selling album. Maybe not The Kinks at their best, but still The Kinks. There is enough evidence on this record to confirm that the band is in fact The Kinks. Fortunately, Clive Davis did not have The Kinks’ bodies snatched and replaced with the souls of K. So, reviewing this collection allows me to cover the Arista period without spending too much time there.

Are you listening to me song kinks better things full#

The music from the Arista period is full of distance-The Kinks became tiny dots on the stage enhanced by televised images on Jumbotrons rather than the guys hanging out at the pub on the cover of Muswell Hillbillies. The Kinks never felt distant or inaccessible before this period their music felt and sounded very human, and we often experienced it in very personal ways. Finally, the style The Kinks adopted is called “arena rock,” which to me means “rock for the masses.” In addition to the dumbing down of the lyrics, the greatest loss suffered during the Arista period is the feeling of intimacy between artist and listener. Second, although he did not descend to the depths that McCartney did with his Wings and solo efforts, the lyrics are generally not Ray Davies-level quality. First, the production is too slick and too commercial. I chose the latter because frankly, I don’t care much for the Arista period and find all the albums from that period lacking in one way or another. Last but not least, there was Come Dancing with The Kinks, their Arista-period hits collection.

are you listening to me song kinks better things

There were also the possibilities of taking a leap into Ray Davies’ solo career or covering Dave Davies’ recent release. I could have decided to review the albums from the Arista period and beyond. I had several Kinky choices available to me. When I find one, it’s an orgasmic experience, but I’m fully aware that next week I’ll be back digging into the shitpile, which diminishes both the impact and duration of the climax. It’s like looking for a 1/16 carat diamond in a 20,000-foot mountain of shit. You can’t begin to appreciate how rare those qualities are in today’s music until you spend every week for almost two years listening to new releases.

are you listening to me song kinks better things

While listening to often muddled music in my search for albums to review, I found my mind wandering to fragments of “Waterloo Sunset” and “Celluloid Heroes” and longing for sparkling wit, exceptional insight into human and social conditions, engaging music and artistic commitment. The cause of this debilitating condition can easily be traced to listening to dozens of albums by other artists, past and present, who simply don’t measure up. Man, I just can’t seem to get away from The Kinks.Īfter spending months in their company reviewing nearly everything from Face to Face to Schoolboys in Disgrace, I began suffering from Kinks Withdrawal Syndrome (KWS).

Are you listening to me song kinks better things